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Fixlet Baseline Gold Images For Mac

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by ovtherenal1985 2020. 3. 11. 07:40


Fixlet Baseline Gold Images For MacFixlet baseline gold images for mac download

Fixlet Baseline Gold Images For Machine

Title pretty much sums it up. After the goodness of the Taverns of Time event quests, it sucks to go back to the old quests. I liked the quests of the event and the main reason was that they were not class specific, I could complete them with whatever class I wanted and I was not forced to play one class or another. Also the reward felt more worth it.

Fixlet Baseline Gold Images For Mac

Even if they remove the dust reward, and even if they lower the gold reward, I would like quests which allow me to play my way, not Blizzard's way. I wish they removed the class specific quests Thoughts? EDIT: one point I didn't make clear is that the normal quests make me NOT wanting to play the game.

If they kept the ToT quests even with less reward per quest, I would play more for sure. I know you're joking, but they probably are watching the long-term effects of this event. One of the devs of League of Legends talked about how their super popular UltraRapidFire game mode was actually causing people to not go back to the normal game but rather just stop playing when the event ended, which caused them to not bring it back for a long time. I'm sure people from Team5 are paying close attention to how their user-behaviours trend afterward, not just the number of players during it. Complete agreeance.

What blizzards intention of the class quests, is to play new stuff. What actually happens, is I craft a shit version of a average decent deck, play 9 matches, hate everything and by then I'm burned out on hearthstone for the day so I never get to play the decks I actually like. Leading to a in every single way, a worse experience, and having zero extra desire to play the classes that I would play anyway if allowed to do so on my own time. Although the rewards were nice I get the event part and I'm fine dropping to the lower income.